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Recent Questions

Article On Social Politic

Process through which a social policy passes from the identification of the problem to its implementation, taking the different powers of the State (Federal, State and Local). Identify some of those...

International HR

narrative that answers the following questions for the case. Fred’s comment to Eric could easily be frustration on his part but also considered a threat to sabotage Eric’s efforts to select...


In 300 words or more, write about your thoughts on what we have addressed—offering any key insights, interesting critiques, and observations gained from the readings. Feel free to offer any views...

Elasticity Of Demand

Pick a product or service that you consume on a regular basis and speculate on what the elasticity of demand might be for that product. What might be the income elasticity of demand for that...

Research Seminar

INSTRUCTIONS   Student Learning Outcome: Demonstrate an ability to articulate and apply a public service perspective. Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of this SLO (Student Learning...

Week 1a Psychotherapy

WEEK 1 review practice agreements in your state(Illinois). Identify whether your state (Illinois) requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners, and if so, what those...

Nurse 535 Discussion Post

Using the hierarchical order of Bloom’s taxonomy for the cognitive domain, develop a learning objective related to a selected nursing course for each of the six categories of cognitive skills:...

Asthma In A Child

Asthma case study instructions ( Essay)   A 6 year old female child that came to the clinic with accompanied by her mother complaining of cough since 8 weeks ago. The cough is triggered when...

Discussion 9

Every workplace can be enjoyable or feel unwelcome. Most people have to work for a living. Understanding about organizational culture and climate can help you find more joy in your world and help...

Professional Competency

Suppose you were applying for a job in a community mental health center. How would you respond to these  questions during the interview: (1) Many of our clients represent a range of diverse cultural...

The role of genetics

scenario: A 27-year-old patient with a history of substance abuse is found unresponsive by emergency medical services (EMS) after being called by the patient’s roommate. The roommate states that he...

The Policy Process

Compare U.S. presidential agenda priorities Evaluate ways that administrative agencies help address healthcare issues Analyze how healthcare issues get on administrative agendas Identify champions...

Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio View Rubric Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to format a portfolio that reflects your accomplishments, skills, and professional readiness in...

Reply This Statement

The Affordable Care Act  (ACA) is one of the main reforms that have been made in the US healthcare system in the recent past. Enacted and passed into law in 2010, the ACA is still being implemented...

Week 4 / Call Data

Call Data_Week 4 Write a 350- to 700-word email, or memo, about the PE and PT test results after the first few days. Address the following in your email: Analyze the impact the new protocol (PE) has...

Research Seminar

INSTRUCTIONS   Student Learning Outcome: Demonstrate an ability to lead and manage in public governance.   Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of this SLO (Student Learning...

International HR

You volunteered for an international assignment and have been training for the move. Your spouse was resistant to the assignment because of being away from a parent undergoing chemotherapy...