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Week 4 Law

Week 4 Law

Assignment Details

In Part 1 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed the Separation of Employment and Noncompete Policies about the process and procedures for employees’ separation from the company and a description of the instances where employees would be subject to noncompete agreements.

In Part 2 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed a Recruitment Policy, where you proposed rules and procedures for the recruitment of employees and so forth.

In Part 3 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, your team created an Affirmative Action Plan and Religious Accommodation and Racial and Religious Discrimination Policy for your company.

In Part 4 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you will create a Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Misconduct Policy.

Your Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Misconduct Policy must include the following:

Definition of discrimination, including discrimination of LGBTQ individuals

Definition of sexual misconduct

Definition of disparate treatment

Disparate impact

Explanation of gender-based harassment

Dress code

Explanation of discriminatory harassment

Illustration of a hostile work environment

Explanation of a protected group

Policy on misconduct, including disciplinary action

Policy on retaliation, including disciplinary action

Policy on discrimination, including disciplinary action

Discriminatory harassment standards

Methods of reporting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation

Complaint form

Guide to restroom access for transgender employees

Training for management and staff regarding LGBTQ issues

Deliverable Requirements

Your Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Misconduct Policy must be at least 5 pages in length. Be sure to cite sources using APA properly; include references and in-text citations. The title and reference pages do not count as part of the 5 pages.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.

Length: 5 pages minimum

Body: This begins on the page following the title page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.

Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.