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Analysis Of Children’s Toy/Game And Influence On Development

Analysis Of Children’s Toy/Game And Influence On Development

In this assignment, you will complete an analysis on the assigned children’s toy or game based on both the cognitive development and EITHER the physical or psychosocial development of infants, toddlers, or middle childhood. You will analyze how the toy/game meets major developmental milestones and the normative behaviors for the target age range and specific cognitive, physical, or psychosocial needs and apply developmental theories to support the information you present. You will also recommend at least one modification that would improve the toy/game and provide a scholarly rationale on how this modification would enhance at least one of the areas of development. You will present your findings in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.

Note: Please note that this presentation IS NOT a consumer review of the product. The purpose of this presentation is to analyze a toy in terms of the developmental milestones discussed in this course.

Assignment Instructions:

The presentation slides should include the following sections and supporting information in bulleted format, along with appropriate supporting images. Presentation should also include elaboration and supporting details in paragraph format with in-text citations in the speaker notes section of the PowerPoint. Presentation should be approximately 7-10 slides. Upload the PowerPoint to the assignment dropbox. Refer to the grading rubric for more details.

Presentation Title: Assignment’s title, your name, the institution’s name

Section: Description of Toy/game

  • Provides a thorough and comprehensive description of toy/game selected including all of the following:
    • Identify the intended target age range for the toy/game.
    • Identify and explain if the toy/game is gender specific and to which gender it is targeted. Provide support and rationale for how you arrived at this conclusion.
    • Include an appropriate image(s) of toy.

Section: Functionality & Claims

  • Describe the functionality, and rules/requirements if applicable.
  • State any claims the manufacturer makes about the toy/game.

Section: Physical OR Psychosocial Needs

  • Thoroughly describe variables that influence physical development or psychosocial factors related to selected toy/game, including several supporting theories.
  • Ensure that information presented is well supported by established milestones from the text or other scholarly source.

Section: Cognitive Needs

  • Thoroughly explain the cognitive development influence of the toy/game selected including several supporting theories.
  • Ensure that information presented is well supported by established milestones from the text or other scholarly source.

Section: Modifications

  • Recommend and describe details of at least one modification that would improve the toy/game.
  • Thoroughly explain how the modification would enhance the child’s development in at least one of the 3 areas (physical, cognitive, psychosocial).
  • Provide a scholarly rationale and support by several theories on how this modification would enhance at least one of the areas of development (physical, psychosocial, cognitive).

References APA formatted references


  • Minimum of 1 additional reference – (such as manufacturer website and scholarly source published within the last five years)
  • Use textbook as primary reference.

APA formatted in-text citations and references for all the supporting evidence.