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Building Successful Organizations That Endure

Building Successful Organizations That Endure

Read Chapter 7:

Textbook Information

Vanourek, B., & Vanourek, G. (2012). Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations (1st ed.).

Discussion Question:

Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

One of the important elements of this learning module is the examination of the ability to endure in otherwise difficult times. Pursuant to the readings, what steps can leaders take to create an organizational culture that is more summarily prepared to live through the difficult times? How can we teach an organization to demonstrate greater levels of endurance?

Discussion Question:

Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

Resilience is essential. One of the more important things an organization do is to learn from failure. Based on the readings from this learning module, how can an organization be better prepared for the failures that are likely to happen at some point? How can an organization learn to be more resilient and to come back from failures with greater capacities than ever? Is it possible to learn from failure and to be better off for it?