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According to Agree, (2018) “later childbearing and longer survival also increase the potential for “sandwiched” generations.” Adults are caregiving for the generations above and below them.

According to Agree, (2018) “later childbearing and longer survival also increase the potential for “sandwiched” generations.” Adults are caregiving for the generations above and below them.

Dr. Shirley Seward

Greetings all,

According to Agree, (2018) “later childbearing and longer survival also increase the potential for “sandwiched” generations.” Adults are caregiving for the generations above and below them.

Women with college educations tend to marry and begin childbearing

later, extending the length of generations in these families and putting them

at greater risk of having a child at home when they need to care for an older


Any thoughts or real-life example to share?

Agree,E, M, (2018). Demography of aging and a the family. In

Future directions of demography of aging: Proceedings of a work shop. National

Academies Press,