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Discuss your own early reading memories and how they influence your own attitudes towards teaching literacy

Discuss your own early reading memories and how they influence your own attitudes towards teaching literacy


Module 8 Discussion Board 5


This week is a video discussion board. Be sure to use the Canvas video feature to record and to respond to videos from your classmates.

Discuss your own early reading memories and how they influence your own attitudes towards teaching literacy.

(Post one answer to the question and at least two responses to your classmates. Please check the syllabus and rubric for details on discussion board expectations.)


RESOURCES: Chapter 11: We will present information about helping children to acquire and apply phonics knowledge. Phonics content knowledge is supported through the definition of key terms. The chapter includes five meaningful ways to assess phonics. We showcase specific guidelines for teaching phonics in connection with eight teaching strategies for designing meaningful phonics lessons. Throughout this chapter, we emphasize the position of phonics within the overall scheme of assessing and teaching reading. Chapter 12: We will discuss what is involved in acquiring reading fluency. We then present different ways to assess fluency. Finally, we present guidelines for teaching fluency and offer instructional strategies that teachers can use to enhance students’ fluency.

Poetry Slam in the Classroom Website – http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/assets/0001/6013/Write_On_poetry_slam_toolkit_v2.pdf   Links to an external site. Purposes for Students – • to explore creative ideas to incorporate the use of poetry in the classroom. • exposure to the types of resources available for teachers on the Internet Procedures –   1. Locate the Teacher Tube website and poetry slam videos. Here is but one example that might be used to engage students in poetry slams using relatable content like gaming. http://www.teachertube.com/video/poetry-slam-121685 Links to an external site. 2. Use the information in chapter 12 and resources on the Internet to design a creative way to incorporate poetry in a (k-2) classroom. (please make sure this is your original work Ideas borrowed from blogs or websites without being referenced will not be accepted). If you would like to include your own poem that would be terrific as well. The assignment should be two pages at a minimum.