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PSYC645: Developmental Psychopathology

PSYC645: Developmental Psychopathology



In this module, you will explore the theoretical principles of stability and change, competence and incompetence, and risk and resilience. Additionally, you will examine the clinical practices of classification, assessment, diagnosis, and intervention.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

· Define the concept of developmental pathways and explain how they are related to stability and change.

· Describe what is meant by the terms competence, incompetence, risk, and resilience in the context of developmental psychopathology.

· Compare and contrast the processes of classification and diagnosis.

· Define assessment and describe the assessment techniques that are most commonly used with children and adolescents.

· Evaluate the efficacy of psychotherapy in children and adolescents in terms of outcome research and process research, as well as describe biblically-based intervention strategies that can be used to treat psychopathology in children and adolescents.


Here are some tips to consider when putting together your PP presentation this week.

· Please note the wording in the instructions that states that the disorder you choose needs to be a disorder of “childhood or adolescence”. Your presentation needs to focus on this age group and clearly point the listener to this disorder in these developmental stages.

· As you talk about the disorder, please make sure you are using references that examines this disorder in childhood or adolescence, not adulthood. Your references will be evaluated toward this end. I encourage you to do research early in the week making sure there are enough resources you can draw on for childhood and adolescence.

· Further, your treatments need to be based on evidenced based studies that focus on childhood and adolescence. You cannot talk about treatments studied on adults and assume they apply in the same way to children.

· Broadly, please make sure your presentation narrows in on this developmental period, as students in the past have made a mistake by talking about the disorder more broadly, or by citing research focused on adults and not children and adolescents. Make sure the focus on childhood and adolescence is clear on every slide in your submission.

· I strongly encourage you to use the video narration option in PP. Here is a video that walks you through how to do this!  Most professional workplaces require the ability for workers to orally communicate their thoughts, so please consider this as important professional development! You will have a lot of experience communicating in writing during your graduate program.  Communicating well orally/on video is also a critically important skill to work on. Here’s a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wO3OWtFxwU

· that shows how to do that.

· Relatedly, when narrating,  please do not directly read your slides . Your slides contain highlights/bullets, but the text of your presentation should be in the notes section.

· I encourage students when doing PowerPoint presentations to utilize the Notes section of PowerPoint. This is where you put what you would say in a presentation, and the information on the slides are the bullets that you would talk through.  Here is a


· that shows you how to use the notes section:

· Also, per the assignment directions, when putting together PowerPoint presentations, please try to make your slides visually interesting. You have to find the right balance of information on the slide (not too much, not too little.) Here’s a resource Links to an external site. that provides points on making effective PP presentations:

· As a general rule, please do not use direct quotes on your PP slides and paraphrase from your sources instead.

· Make sure you cite all of the sources you are relying on in your presentation directly on the slides using proper APA formatting.

· Finally, make sure you clearly link together your proposed therapies and discuss the evidence that shows the effectiveness of those therapies for your chosen disorder. This is especially true for the biblically based therapy you discuss.  For example, if you discuss prayer as a biblically based therapy for autism, please cite research demonstrating how prayer has been studied as an intervention and what that research has found.