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Annotated Bibliography in the Social Sciences (TOPIC: LOVING VS VIRGINIA)

Annotated Bibliography in the Social Sciences (TOPIC: LOVING VS VIRGINIA)

Annotated Bibliography in the Social Sciences (TOPIC: LOVING VS VIRGINIA)

For this assignment, you will select a midcentury-themed social science topic from the list of suggested topics, or choose another appropriate social science-related topic. Please note that you will not be writing an essay based on this assignment; instead, you will be creating an annotated bibliography (citations with annotations or notes) based on this one topic, with sources cited according to APA 7th ed. guidelines (please see the text or course links to help you cite sources properly). You will have four sources for this assignment (the sample has more than four sources). The sample student assignment should also serve as a guide for how your completed assignment should look.

Once you have cited each source according to APA 7th ed. guidelines, you will write a 150 word or longer annotation containing the following information:

1. Briefly name and introduce the author(s): title, profession, expertise, and so on (1-2 sentences).

2. Summarize the entry’s thesis/claim and main supporting points (1-4 sentences), avoiding quotations/citations if possible.

3. Explain how this entry relates to your topic/theme, and why you chose this entry as part of a representative bibliography (2-3 sentences).

4. Compare the entry with at least one other entry in the bibliography: list important points of agreement and disagreement (2-3 sentences).

Please note that sources should be alphabetized by the authors’ last names (see student sample). Also, please note that your sources do not have to be from this time period; instead, they simply need to at least mention a topic related to this time period.

EBSCO and NCLive are excellent search tools to help you find sources. Only social science journals should be used for this assignment (sociology, psychology, criminal justice, economics, etc.). History journals may be used as well.  Please contact the instructor if you are unsure if a journal is appropriate for this assignment.

Once you have completed this assignment, please save it in a Word document in .doc, .docx, or .rtf, and upload it to the assignment link by the due date.