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Week 8 Stress & Behavior

Week 8 Stress & Behavior

Final Course Project: Self-Care Plan (Week 8)

These are your instructions for your final project for class.

Submit your final project, Parts A, B and C in  one  document. Projects submitted in several documents will be discounted by 20%.


Part A. To Be List Revisited. 2 pages.  Review the paper you submitted from week 4.  In a personal reflection essay of about 2 pages, address how not coping well with stress can be a barrier to you being the person you want to be. Next, address how successfully coping with stress can  help you become the person you strive to be. Consider what you have learned from Chen, Easwaran, and the six Jesuit values (which can be found on the Regis University website). Refer to content from each source specifically and thoroughly.


Part B. Textbook Reflections. (Pages will vary).


Compile all of your textbook reflections from weeks 1, 2, and 5. You should have 15 altogether (an easy way to do this is to copy and paste each reflection, one after another, after your Part A from above).


Part C. Self Reflection and Plan. (3 pages).


Review all of your textbook reflection activities, papers, assignments, projects, and discussion posts. Write about one page summarizing what you have learned about yourself over the course of this class. Make clear, explicit and direct connections to your textbook and class materials. Cite your sources.

Now, in an additional 2 pages, construct a self-care plan that will help you manage stress in your life. Your self-care plan should include the following sections:

· Your strengths. Based on what you have learned about yourself in this class, list the specific  interpersonal skills, thoughts and perceptions, and  lifestyle behaviors that you already do well that help you cope well with stress.

· Your challenges. Based on what you have learned about yourself in this class, list the specific  interpersonal skills, thoughts and perceptions, and  lifestyle behaviors that are challenging for you.

· Lifestyle changes to minimize stress What  lifestyle changes could you make that would help you cope with stress? How could you integrate them into your life? Be as specific as possible.

· Relaxation techniques for daily life  Identify some of the relaxation techniques that worked well that you could integrate into your daily life. Share which techniques you would like to do daily, and how you plan to integrate them.