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Sociology Discussion Board

Sociology Discussion Board


Respond to  any 2 (1 from each chapter) of the following prompts in an original discussion.


Chapter 19 – Health & Medicine

1. Discuss changes that could be made to the structure of our society that would improve health for everyone by addressing the following. How are common illnesses socially constructed versus medically constructed? What factors contribute to the disparities in health among ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups in the United States? Should the United States move toward a national health insurance model found in other Western nations? (CSLO 2, USLO 10.1)

2. View one of the following videos: Sick Around America, Sick Around the World, or Health Literacy and Patient Safety. Discuss how the material in the video that you selected could help you in your nursing practice and why. Be sure to cite specific examples from the video that you have watched. (CSLO 5, USLO 10.4)

3. Many critics of medicalization claim that medicalizing women’s health issues is a form of institutional sexism. As described in our text, medicalization is the process where previously normal aspects of life get redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. Address and discuss if medicalizing women’s health issues such as menstruation, pre-menstrual syndrome, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause amounts to institutional sexism. (CSLO 5, USLO 10.3)

4. Which of the major theoretical perspectives best explains the sociology of health, and why? (CSLO 2, USLO 10.5)


Chapter 21 – Social Movements & Social Change

1. Use an example from our text to describe some of the possible links between technology and innovation, social movements, and social change. Has activism changed due to the advent of the Internet? How are information and the way it is circulated in the present affecting social movements and, in turn, affecting social change? (CSLO 2, USLO 11.4)

2. Discuss value-added theory in relation to social change in the context of an event associated with one of the following movements: #MeToo, #DACA, #MuslimBan, and Black Lives Matter, etc. Identify and discuss the five conditions that must exist for social change to occur per value-added theory. (CSLO 2, USLO 11.2)

3. Select one of the five types of social movements described in our text and define it, providing specific examples. Next, reflect upon the particular social movement that you provided an example of and discuss whether it would have been more effective had leaders of this movement chosen one of the other types of social movements to further their cause. (CSLO 2, USLO 11.2)


Weekly Discussion Guidelines

Original discussion posts:

· Answer both the questions in one single post rather than respond to each question in different posts.

· You should answer all parts of the questions you chose to answer.

· Number your answers corresponding to the prompt numbers listed above, and split your answers into separate paragraphs.

· Use of concepts and theories wherever relevant is highly recommended for full grade. It will also help you in your exams and while writing your essay.

· Students must first post their answers before they can view or reply to other students’ posts.

· You can use pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc.  in your answers, but not  for your answers.

· Always support your opinions with scholastic sources.

· When you use outside material, please use in-text citations and give references at the end of your post in APA format. Otherwise, it is termed as Plagiarism.

· Plagiarism is a critical offense according to Galen policies. Your answers should not be simple ‘copy and paste’ from an outside source. In such instances, even though you give references, they will not be considered  your answers. The first time I spot plagiarism, you will be given a zero with a warning. The 2nd time will be a write-up. Please be careful about plagiarism.


If you have questions about this participation requirement, post them to the  Course Q&A Discussion .

I am looking forward to a great discussion from all of you this week.