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Scenario: Maria is a BCBA at a local ABA agency. She is the only BCBA on staff who speaks both English and Spanish

Scenario: Maria is a BCBA at a local ABA agency. She is the only BCBA on staff who speaks both English and Spanish

Scenario: Maria is a BCBA at a local ABA agency. She is the only BCBA on staff who speaks both English and Spanish. The agency has taken more cases with Spanish-speaking families because families are requesting Maria work with their child. In addition, the agency has also asked Maria to supervise five Spanish-speaking RBTs who are currently in a graduate program in ABA. Maria is feeling overwhelmed and over-scheduled, but also feels pressure to maintain the workload since she’s the only staff member available to provide services and supervision in Spanish. You have to right a 100 word paragraph. Picking which ethics standard apart of the BCBA’s ethics code would best fit this scenario. You can use 4.03 or/and another to back up your statement. An example for how the post should look and sound: Although it is admirable that Maria wants to help out as many families as she can, Section 4.03 of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts states that a behavior analyst should only take the number of cases that allows them to provide adequate training and supervision (Behavior Analyst Certification Board [BACB], 2020). It seems Maria might be overwhelmed with the number of cases she has to supervise and the amount of training she has to provide to RBTs. Therefore, it would be proactive for her to reach out to the ABA agency’s clinical director to express her concerns regarding her workload. This way, she can express that she cannot take on more training and supervision for the time being. During this conversation, Maria can indicate that it would be helpful for the ABA agency to hire another BCBA with the same skill set so she can provide the appropriate amount of supervision and training without overwhelming her workload. Reference: Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020). Ethics code for behavior analysts. https://bacb.com/wp-content/ethics-code-for-behavior-analysts/ Permalink Reply