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Watch at least TWO of the videos from the website: https://www.samford.edu/departments/academic-success-center/how-to-study (Scroll down the website to see all of the video choices)

Put an x in the box to the left to each of the videos that you watched. Consider what areas you might need to work on to help you pick the videos.

  Developing a Mindset for Successful Learning
  Beliefs That Make You Fail…Or Succeed
  What Students Should Understand About How People Learn
  Cognitive Principles for Optimizing Learning
  Putting the Principles for Optimizing Learning into Practice
  “I Blew the Exam, Now What?”


Part 2, Question 1: Video 1

What did you learn from the video that will help you with your studying?



Part 2, Question 2: Video 2

What did you learn from the video that will help you with your studying?




Part 3:

In our introduction discussion, you were asked to share one of your core values. Your core values was Commitment and dedication How can you use your values to overcome challenges such as this course and/or future courses? How can your values help you with school?





Part 4:

Please design at least one SMART goal to help you move forward. Remember to check out the resources from Bardo (2018) on the Learning Resources Page. She does a nice job breaking down goals the way we want you to on this sheet:

Directions Fill in this Part
Area that you want to work on?  
Make it…Specific  
Make it…Measurable  
Make it…Achievable  
Make it…Relevant  
Make it…Time-Bound  


Part 5:

Let’s wrap all this up. Write about 4-5 sentences reflecting on this assignment. What did you learn? How are you feeling about the class?