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A little bit about me: I am a 19 year old male just finished by first year of college at NCCU. I have tow siblings besides myself that are in middle school. I was raised by my mom and my step dad and my biological dad has never been in my life. I wanted to go to school because I wanted to get a good job or open my own business.

A little bit about me: I am a 19 year old male just finished by first year of college at NCCU. I have tow siblings besides myself that are in middle school. I was raised by my mom and my step dad and my biological dad has never been in my life. I wanted to go to school because I wanted to get a good job or open my own business.

Think about your major and why you chose it. Use this draft to write a narrative that explores your field, your options, interests and reasons why you’re drawn to it.

Draft 3A requires:

  1. A creative, memorable title that conveys what your major is and your relation to it
  2. A 1-2-paragraph introduction, complete with Attention grabber, Background info, and a Claim
  3. 1-2 paragraph ending complete with an Attention keeper, a glimpse of the Bigger picture, and Closing thoughts
  4. 4 or more body paragraphs that explore prompts and points like the following:
  • What is your major? Why? Any concentration or minors? My Major is Business Administration. No concentrations.
  • Tell a brief story (not just a series of reasons) that led you to wanting to study this field(s).
  • What do you hope to accomplish with your major? (If you’re not sure, that’s fine. Describe what you hope to get out of being in college.)
  • Are there any nonacademic interests that you wish you could at least integrate into your studies? What are they and how might your nonacademic interests lend itself to your intellectual or professional pursuits?
  • Considering changing your major? what to, and why? OR: If your major weren’t your major, what would it be and why?
  • Describe the habits of mind or skills a person should possess to be successful in that field. Do you need to work to gain any of those qualities? Do they come naturally to you?
  • In what ways do your interests and skills lead you to what you’re currently pursuing? In what ways are you open to change?

A little bit about me: I am a 19 year old male just finished by first year of college at NCCU. I have tow siblings besides myself that are in middle school. I was raised by my mom and my step dad and my biological dad has never been in my life. I wanted to go to school because I wanted to get a good job or open my own business.