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Discussion Sociology W4

Discussion Sociology W4

Respond to2 of the following prompts:



1. How has racism evolved? How does racism now contrast to the 1950s and earlier? Explain your stance with examples. Next, explain the difference between individual-level racism and institutional racism and provide examples for both types. Lastly, what are some ways you would minimize both types of racism? (CSLO 5, USLO 5.1)

2. Pick any 2 concepts related to race and ethnicity, such as prejudice, privilege, racial steering, stereotyping, multiple identities, and redlining, and explain the benefits of understanding those concepts. (CSLO 5, USLOs 5.1, 5.5)

Weekly Discussion Guidelines

Original discussion posts:

· Answer both the questions in one single post rather than respond to each question in different posts.

· You should answer all parts of the questions you chose to answer.

· Number your answers corresponding to the prompt numbers listed above, and split your answers into separate paragraphs.

· Use of concepts and theories wherever relevant is highly recommended for full grade. It will also help you in your exams and while writing your essay.

· Students must first post their answers before they can view or reply to other students’ posts.

Additional notes:

· You can use pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc.  in your answers, but not  for your answers.

· Always support your opinions with scholastic sources.

· When you use outside material, please use in-text citations and give references at the end of your post in APA format. Otherwise, it is termed as Plagiarism.

· Plagiarism is a critical offense according to Galen policies. Your answers should not be simple ‘copy and paste’ from an outside source. In such instances, even though you give references, they will not be considered  your answers. The first time I spot plagiarism, you will be given a zero with a warning. The 2nd time will be a write-up. Please be careful about plagiarism.


If you have questions about this participation requirement, post them to the  Course Q&A Discussion .

I am looking forward to a great discussion from all of you this week.