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Hello my name is Yusuf Hussein I am Appeal AKA Renewing for a scholarship called

Hello my name is Yusuf Hussein I am Appeal AKA Renewing for a scholarship called

Hello my name is Yusuf Hussein I am Appeal AKA Renewing for a scholarship called

TCU Community Scholars. It’s a four-year scholarship that includes a supportive residential experience and opportunities to study abroad. I will need convincing and compelling explaining my issues on why i couldn’t complete the requirement

What’s need in the letter a. What requirements you didn’t meet. I unintentionally failed to fulfill certain requirements for the scholarship, such as the monthly One on Ones and submitting the professor grade report. Unfortunately, due to the heavy academic workload during the semester, these crucial obligations took a backseat.

b. Why you didn’t meet the requirement(s). Unfortunately, due to the heavy academic workload during the semester, these crucial obligations took a backseat. And come up with more stuff

c. What you will do differently to ensure that you will meet ALL requirements of the scholarship if the scholarship is renewed. d. You will need to make the request to have your scholarship renewed. DO NOT assume you will be granted the scholarship back, just because you appeal. e. Any additional information or letters of support that you deem important and you want to be considered in the appeal decision.