I need this completed on 05/25/23 by 12pm.
Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. The template to use is attached.
Module 03 Content
Purpose of Assignment:
Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Activity Plans for use in an early childhood setting requires comprehension of basic child development for each early childhood age group. DAP Plans provide lesson detail aligning with all five developmental domains and connect the expected outcomes for the child as a result of this plan’s implementation.
Course Competency: Describe developmental domains for children birth to age 8.
Your assignment is to create and analyze a DAP activity for each of the four selected age groups. Create activities that are developmentally appropriate for each of the following age groups:
- Infant (ages 0-18 months)
- Toddler (ages 18-36 months)
- Preschool (ages 3-5 years)
- Early School-age (ages 5-8 years)
All four activities need to meet all the developmental PILES (Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional, and Social) for that age group.
Describe how to implement each activity and analyze the activity by answering the questions on the provided activity template.
Download this template and use it as your outline to complete this assignment.
The template contains instructions for what to include in the assignment, and the document will expand as you type in your answers.
You will include four activities total, one for each of the included age groups. You must include the following components for each age group’s activity:
- Name the activity.
- Identify three objectives.
- Identify the materials needed.
- Describe how to implement the activity.
- Describe how the activity supports potential growth in each of the five developmental PILES domains
- Through the SOE guide created just for our program, the School of Education offers access to a wealth of early childhood education resources, including articles and videos, tutoring services, website links, and assistance from a librarian to support your writing growth.
- Microsoft Office
- CDC’s Developmental Milestones
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