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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Locate one article on any aspect of family violence that has been published in any newspaper or magazine (e.g. Virginian Pilot, New York Times, Popular Psychology, etc.) Discuss your chosen article by writing a 3 – 5 page critical review (summarize and evaluate the article) based on one of the following topics:

  • The protection of victims vs. the rights of the accused
  • Women who kill abusive husbands
  • Punishment for the murder of the abuser
  • Marital rape
  • Protecting children from abusive parents
  • Chile abuse: the hidden crime
  • Solving family violence
  • Battered woman’s syndrome as a defense

Discuss your chosen article based on the following questions, if applicable:

  • What is the definition of family violence in the chosen article?
  • According to your article, how common is this type of family violence?
  • If there was an offender, what was done?
  • Is there a treatment or prevention program in the article?
  • How do you estimate the value of this article, particularly from a criminal justice perspective?