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PSC101: American National Government: Unit 4 Assignment: Role of Interest Groups

PSC101: American National Government: Unit 4 Assignment: Role of Interest Groups

PSC101: American National Government

Unit 4 Assignment: Role of Interest Groups


You have learned about interest groups, their impact, and the important role they play within the political process. A key aspect of interest groups is that they attempt to change or affect policy in some way. For this assignment, you will identify an interest group of your choice to better understand how interest groups work. (Note: you can choose any interest group you would like to learn more about, even if they may not line up with your personal political views.) Instructions You will choose an interest group from the Interest Group List located in Unit 4. After you have made your choice, you will visit the group’s website and answer the following questions:

• What is the name of the interest group?

• Describe the interest group. What cause(s)/issue(s) does it advocate? What

change does it want and why? What are its goals?

• What are some of the different activities that the interest group partakes in to

achieve its goals?

• After completing this assignment, would you consider joining this interest group

or any interest group in the future?


• Paper should be 400 words minimum.

• Provide the link to the interest group website you chose.

• Follow standard APA guidelines (proper margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, and writing is clear and professional).

• Follow proper APA citations when quoting information directly from the website.





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Be sure to read the criteria below, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.


Evaluation Rubric for Unit 2 Assignment

CRITERIA Proficient Needs Improvement


(8-10 Points) (6-7 Points) (0-5 Points)

Connections Connections thoroughly addressed

Connections mostly addressed

Little to no connections made

(8-10 points) (6-7points) (0-5 points)

Link to Website

Link to website provided

n/a No link provided

(12-15 points) (9-11 points) (0-8 points)

Reflection Quality

Current news story addressed thoroughly with reflection on breach of civil liberties/rights

Current news story was mostly addressed with reflection on breach of civil liberties

Current news story missing or lacked thoughtful reflection on breach of civil liberties

(8-10 points) (6-7 points) (0-5 points)

Paper Length

400 words minimum

n/a Less than 400 words

(5 points) (4 points) (0-3 points)

Clear and Profession al Writing and APA Format

Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error-free

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation

Significant errors that impede professional presentation