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Proposal Outline for UMSN DNP Project Proposal

Proposal Outline for UMSN DNP Project Proposal

DNP Project Proposal May 3, 2023



Follow directions, APA 7, cite, reference, no plagiarism


Proposal Outline for UMSN DNP Project Proposal


Section I:


Introduction: Tells the reader why the topic is important, what is the momentum behind the problem, topic relevance, and scope of the problem. Brief, to the point, should make the reader want to know more and solve the problem.


Background Significance: Describe the problem, how does a gap in care impact patient outcomes? Why is it important for this work to be completed? Substantiate with factual information. Discuss trends or potential trends. This section frames moving into the problem statement.


Section II:


Problem Statement: This is the “so what”. This section is concise and clearly articulates the breadth and depth of the problem, why is it is a concern, why it should be evaluated due to the nature and severity of the problem. Include the importance to nursing and tie to the DNP essentials.


Section III:


Literature Review: A comprehensive literature review provides the evidence to defend a logical argument supporting the need and value of the scholarly project. Divide this into headings and themes related to the clinical question and future purpose section, synthesizing overall findings.


Section IV:


Implementation Framework/Model


Section V:


Purpose and Objectives


Project purpose should be limited to one or two key areas that are clearly articulated. It should describe what the project will involve and what it will accomplish. Identify the population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and timeframe. Comparison may be to the current practice, how this intervention will improve patient outcomes.


Objectives are specific statements that define measurable outcomes, i.e., what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome. Objectives can be SMART–that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Objectives should use strong verbs such as collect, construct, classify, develop, devise, evaluate, measure, produce, revise, select, synthesize, and not weak verbs such as appreciate, consider, enquire, learn, know, understand, be aware of, appreciate, listen, perceive.


Section VI:


Project Description: This section is used to describe how the project will be conducted (i.e., actionable items), connecting it to the project purpose and objectives. It will include the methodology, ethical considerations, and a description of the setting, participants, measures/tools/instruments to evaluate the phenomenon of interest, intervention, and analysis (how you plan to evaluate the results or analyze the data).


· Methodology

· Ethical considerations (e.g., IRB approval)

· Setting – Including characteristics specific to the setting, gives a reader an idea of the setting specific problem.

· Participants

· Intervention

· Measures/tools/instruments

· Analysis


Sustainability Plan

· Potential for project to endure

· Dissemination plan







Provider Survey (this will be sent out in the Fall to the providers) Pending their responses to theses questions I will change the “Welcome Letter” patients receive. The Welcome letter is below the survey for reference if needed.


1. When your patients come in initially, what is their baseline knowledge of palliative care?

2. How do you attempt to educate your patients regarding palliative care?

3. Do you feel the “Welcome Letter” (see attached), that is sent to all new patients prior to

their first appointment, helps patients understand palliative care?

4. Based on your interactions with new patients, have any mentioned the & “Welcome Letter”

during their appointment? Furthermore, has it impacted their knowledge of palliative care

prior to their initial appointment?

5. Do you feel like any additional information should be added to the “Welcome Letter”?

6. In October 2022 one of the DNP students initiated a FAQ page to add to the Welcome

Letter. Since 10/22 till now do you feel there has been a decrease in time spent during

NP visits explaining PC to new patients?

7. Do you have any additional suggestions to improve the process for educating new




Welcome Letter

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Palliative Care right for me?

Palliative care may be right for you if you have a serious illness (as listed on page 1) and you

have experienced:

– symptoms from your illness that make it difficult for you be active and do the things you


-troublesome side effects from treatment

– frequent emergency visits

– difficulty making decisions or coping with the stress of your illness

You may receive palliative care at the same time as other treatments meant to cure you.

What can I expect from Palliative care?

You can expect a team that provides expert management of your symptoms (such as pain,

shortness of breath, anxiety, fatigue, constipation, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping) and

extra time for communication about your goals and treatment options. Palliative care may

improve your ability to go through medical treatments and carry on with your daily life.

Do I have to give up my own doctor?

No, the palliative care team is here to provide you with an extra layer of support and will work in

partnership with your primary doctor.


Questions to Consider Before Your First Appointment

Your Palliative care team may ask you some questions to help develop the best plan for you

– What is important to me?

-What are some of my goals?

-How do I like to make decisions about my care? Do I like to make them independently

with the help of a provider, or by my friends and family?

Questions that I have for my first appointment: