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How the Nazis Justified the Holocaust

How the Nazis Justified the Holocaust

How the Nazis Justified the Holocaust

Fayetteville State University

History 312

Dr. Brooks

April 16, 2023


Millions were murdered in concentrations, Ghettos and Extermination Camps following the implementation period of special law policies which saw European Jews become enemies. Nazi Germany initiated a system based on hostile legal enactments that resulted in one thing only; the slaughtering catalogued as genocide- murdering masses through various methods including gas chambers- aimed towards an entire population group. The relentless brutality and destruction wrought by Nazi Germany during World War II are among humanity’s darkest moments; we still live with remnants of this event today. The Nazis sought validation for their heinous acts by fostering beliefs about Aryan supremacy and casting Jews as foes deserving of elimination

Overview of Nazi Justification

The Nazis employed different approaches to validate their actions during The Final Solution. Ghettos and concentration camps were set up alongside forced migration to incarcerate large numbers of Jews with The Final Solution being implemented later. The Nazis spread anti-Semitic thoughts by presenting Jews as inferior beings with criminal tendencies via their media communication strategies. The implementation of segregationist measures was followed by 1935’s Nuremberg Laws depriving Jews of legal legitimacy after which numerous policies subjected them to more oppression. While spreading Anti-Semitic ideas through propaganda. Nazi Regime set up policies such as Forced migration that consequently led to forceful confinements of Jews into ghettoes with subtle variations including sentence connectors: The plan known as The Final Solution aimed at exterminating Jews. Therefore, it called for concerted efforts from both Einsatzgrupen and concentration/extermination camps (Stiles & Stiles, 2022). There is no denying that this thoroughly planned genocide had its roots in Nazi propaganda designed with an anti-Semitism undertone. To justify their actions during the holocaust Nazis enforced laws which stripped away citizenship rights from Jews coupled with incarcerating them in Ghettos/concentration centers (Moscovici, 2019). The effect of using various methods for validating genocide kept echoing through decades after World War 2.

By using various means like radio broadcasts or newspapers propagating racist stereotypes about Jewish people being responsible for all sorts of societal ills, the Nazi regime successfully turned public opinion against them. It is impossible not to look back with great sadness at how much pain and suffering resulted from Nazi propaganda methods that paved their way towards justifying and facilitating genocide. Through death camps, propaganda, among other horrible means, Nazi Germany promotes this message that has influenced generations after it: bigotry can lead to atrocity.

Anti-Semitism and Racial Purity

Belief in anti-Semitic racism and ethnic hygiene formed a core part of the Nazi thinking that made them justify perpetrating The Holocaust. As per Nazi beliefs, Jews were regarded as subhuman and hazardous to German society since they may secretly plot against them. The spreading of terrible rumors about Jews that they are not human beings but rather rugged individuals bent on perpetrating crimes using Nazi-propaganda. German society accused Jews of conspiring to undermine their country Not only did they view Jews as inferior, but they were convinced that eliminating them would result in a stronger German society with a purer Aryan race. Their twisted ideology held racial purity above any form of human compassion or empathy. In addition to this, the notion of purification of race was employed by Nazis to validate their acts among diverse societies. The Nazi’s belief in racial superiority led them to view Jews as an inferior group that posed a threat to this supposed purity and required drastic action, arguing for instance that they were responsible for undermining German stability.

Nazi Propaganda

Nazi’s powerful tool for justification was their usage of propaganda creating an “other” causing widespread hate and fear towards Jews legitimizing their actions during The Holocaust. Not only did Nazis view Jews as dangerous for Germans’ purity purposes but they also advocated their belief through various powerful platforms such as literature. Nazi’s anti-Semitic ideology was skillfully popularized among the German population through mediums such as visually striking posters placed around public places along with frequent direct talks or writings focused on painting Jews unfavorably in the minds of general masses Jews was depicted as a different race through Nazi propaganda, which also emphasized racial purity (Quaranto & Stanley, 2021). Nazi propagandists constructed a demonized image of Jews and portrayed them as subhuman creatures who were guilty of crimes against German society thereby creating an imagined enemy out of them. The use of propaganda played a crucial part in Hitler’s justification for carrying out genocide leading to long-lasting effects worldwide.

For Nazi ideology, the role of Jewry in creating economic hardships was highlighted alongside labelling them malevolent masterminds behind multiple ills throughout Germany. Nazi leaders used strong imagery with persuasive slogans not only designed to evoke emotions but also incite hatred towards Jewish people. Nazi propaganda aimed to appeal to emotions more than reason, by inciting hatred and fear through powerful images and slogans. Several Germans were convinced to support the Holocaust and persecution of Jews, despite Nazi propaganda’s deliberate falsehoods and exaggerations. This heinous rhetoric has left an undeniable mark on history that still haunts us to this day.

Nuremberg Laws

The extermination campaign orchestrated by the Nazis was fueled by legislation that aimed at dehumanizing Jews. After the Nazis passed the Nuremberg racial legislation that revoked Jewish citizens’ legal status in Germany, it piled on consequences like restricting professional life or confining thousands into ghettos. The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of citizenship rights and enforced stringent guidelines towards them including forbidding them from marrying outside their community or wearing a yellow star badge while in public Jews had limitations on their professional choices and were coerced to inhabit ghettos (Moscovici, 2019). These guidelines put in place by the Nazi regime sought to oppress Jews while creating others inside society. The justification for committing horrific acts against Jewish individuals throughout history has taken many forms (Meltzer & Mensch, 2023). One form that almost ensured success in convincing others to follow suit was laws like The Nuremberg Laws.

Special badges or armbands that identified Jews were mandatory in public places such as parks and theatres. In addition, the Jewish population faced unreasonable arrest and confinement without legitimate reasons, leading them to be dispatched to camps immediately. With a combination of discriminatory laws designed to breed hostility amongst individuals towards Jews along with propaganda tools painting them as peripheral members of society running rampant throughout Germany at that time; Hitler could ultimately justify his most egregious crimes against humanity (Meltzer & Mensch, 2023).

Forced Migration and Incarceration

The Holocaust involved mass deportations to ghettos and forced labor or death at several concentration camps. After forced eviction, Jews were imprisoned in Nazi ghettos without basic amenities and cut off from society. Nazi authorities sent Jews from ghettos to death or extermination camps and imprisoned them in horrific forced-labor quarters. Nazis used concentration caps and forced migration to justify their treatment of Jews. The Nazi party used forced migrations to imprison Jews in labor or concentration camps during World War II to gain control over them and make others fear their presence (Kruglanski et al., 2019). Nazis justified the Holocaust with these measures.

Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as subhuman, justifying their forced removal to concentration camps or ghettos. The Nazi Regime saw Jews as weaker than Aryans because of its belief in pure races. Germany used propaganda to portray Jews as a threat.

Nazi ghettos and concentration camps protected against the Jewish threat. The Nazis claimed to benefit Germans by eliminating the perceived threat. They sought to boost Germany’s economy by forcing Jews to work in concentration camps. The Nazis claimed that Jews conspired against Germany during WWI and planned global dominance (Kruglanski et al., 2019). Nazism’s fearful misinformation created an environment for unprecedented human rights violations.


The Einsatzgruppen’ intense strategies and extermination tools like firing squads and gas chambers aided the Nazis’ historic attempt to exterminate all Jews. Einsatzgruppen’s operations in Jewish ghettos and concentration camps enabled the systematic murder of millions of Jews in Nazi-occupied territories. Officers like The Einsatzgruppen used gas chambers and firing squads to commit mass murder. The Einsatzgruppen helped Nazis justify mass murder of millions of Jews.

They created a “other” to instill fear before eliminating it. We reflect on The Final Solution today knowing we can commit terrible atrocities. Germans considered Jews inferior and dangerous, justifying persecution. Nazis believed Jews threatened Germany’s strength and sanctity, making them feel unwanted. The Nazi Party used anti-Semitic propaganda to convince Germans that Jews caused Germany’s political and financial problems (Moscovici, 2019). High-ranking Nazi officials enabled and encouraged the Einsatzgruppen to commit genocide. As seen from the many lives lost during the Ruthless holocaust regime instigated by racial superiority complexes prompting tyrannies, promoting acceptance towards people can last forever.

Concentration and Extermination Camps

The Nazi’s idea for implementing The Final Solution involved setting up Concentration and Extermination Camps. Jews, along with others deemed “inferior,” were systematically killed at these concentration camps. Camps meant for persecution activities held by Nazis showed some of the worst atmospheric conditions humanity has ever witnessed designed particularly to carry out evil intentions upon the Jewish community. This led people there to face improper hazardous lab trials without getting adequate food which resulted in deaths (Moscovici, 2019). The establishment of extermination camps constituted essential proof for Hitler’s regime that their extreme ideology could manifest itself in practice. The legacy of the concentration and extermination camps has left a deep mark on history.

Summary of Nazi Justification for the Holocaust

The Holocaust was justified by the Nazi regime through a combination of tactics. A primary part of what became known as The Final Solution involved Einsatzgruppen teams executing members of targeted groups (Jewish men may have been more likely than Jewish women or children). Concentration camps were used for forced labour. The Nazi regime employed propaganda to depict Jews as below-par humans who were a menace to German society. Enforcement of discriminatory acts towards Jews started with seizing their citizenship by introducing Nazi policies like The Nuremberg laws back in 1935 (Moscovici, 2019). Post this action many more unjust practices led to suppression. Implementation of The Final Solution involving the deployment of Einsatztruppen along with the establishment of numerous concentration and excessive camp locations reflects the Nazis’ agenda for removing Jewish people completely. Through diverse means, such as anti-Semitism, propaganda, and laws like Nuremberg Laws, among others -the Nazis supported their motive for genocide- with impacts felt until today.


Millions lost their lives during the Nazi era, proving The Holocaust as a grim reminder or warning against unbridled prejudice & violence. By showcasing the horrors that can result from allowing people with too much influence or hatred in their hearts free rein, this event reminds us all about just how vital these principles truly are. Speaking out against hatred and violence is also emphasized as a necessity. Undoubtedly, one of the legacies left by The Holocaust is learning about how crucial it is to combat bigotry wherever it exists- whether in schools, workplaces or religious institutions as zero tolerance policies towards prejudicial attitudes reduce violent behaviors impairing our humanity Despite its tragic impact across history, one could argue that the legacy of Holocaust illustrates humanity’s capacity for both despair and fighting spirit. While trying to find justification for their actions, Nazis committed one of history’s biggest tragedies resulting in the loss of millions of innocent lives during the holocaust.



Meltzer, B., & Mensch, J. (2023).  The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill. Flatiron Books. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-nazi-conspiracy-the-world-war-ii-plot-to-kill-fdr-churchill-and-stalin/

Moscovici, C. (2019).  Holocaust Memories: A Survey of Holocaust Memoirs, Histories, Novels, and Films. Rowman & Littlefield. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=be-YDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=As+per+Nazi+beliefs,+Jews+were+regarded+as+subhuman+and+hazardous+to+German+society+since+they+may+secretly+plot+against+them.+&ots=XdbapIn5Nk&sig=ChckNYsk2_zjE_lvxvq9DQtVbNE

Kruglanski, A. W., Webber, D., & Koehler, D. (2019).  The radical’s journey: How German neo-Nazis voyaged to the edge and back. Oxford University Press, USA. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=GGmtDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=As+per+Nazi+beliefs,+Jews+were+regarded+as+subhuman+and+hazardous+to+German+society+since+they+may+secretly+plot+against+them.+&ots=QrH4hyEWm_&sig=–Qq_BjxiCcrPuOY-peepJctlQQ

Stiles, E. J., & Stiles, E. J. (2022). Holocaust Photographs. Holocaust Memory and National Museums in Britain, 69-102. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-89355-2_3

Quaranto, A., & Stanley, J. (2021). Propaganda. In  The Routledge handbook of social and political philosophy of language (pp. 125-146). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003164869-11/propaganda-anne-quaranto-jason-stanley