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Business Case Analysis For Healthcare Improvement

Business Case Analysis For Healthcare Improvement

SWOT Analysis Template (D156)


A SWOT analysis will help you identify internal and external factors in an organization that may impact the readiness of the organization for an improvement project. At a minimum, identify  two internal criteria and  two external criteria. Then for the internal criteria, identify  two  S trengths and  two  W eaknesses for  each of the criteria. For the external criteria, identify  two  O pportunities and  two  T hreats for  each of the criteria. The presence of weaknesses and threats are gaps to be addressed in planning, while the absence of strengths or opportunities clarifies the need for further planning or development before implementation. Click in the following boxes to enter your SWOT factors.


  Factors to maintain Factors to address
*Internal Criteria Strengths Weaknesses




What does the organization do well that will help the implementation of the project?


I – A

I – B


II – A

II – B

What does the organization lack that may hinder implementation of the project?


I – A

I – B


II – A

II – B

*External Criteria Opportunities Threats





What external factors help facilitate implementation of your project?


I – A

I – B


II – A

II – B

What external factors hinder implementation of your project?


I – A

I – B


II – A

II – B



Internal Criteria Examples:  collective capabilities; morale, commitment, leadership; governance, participation norms, and defined roles; resources, funding, assets, people; experience, knowledge, data; innovative aspects; collaboration tools; processes, systems, IT, and communications; cultural, attitudinal, behavioral norms; etc.


External Criteria Examples: Political, legislative, and financial environment; stakeholder involvement; technology development and innovation; development of knowledge; uptake in disseminated knowledge or best practices; etc.