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Week 8 Positive Psychology

Week 8 Positive Psychology

In completing this course, you should now know more about your strengths and weaknesses, the causes of your happiness, and what kind of future self is worth pursuing.

Drawing from the numerous readings throughout the course, sketch out a vision of your current and ideal future selves.

· Part 1: Discuss the historical, sociocultural, and spiritual influences that have shaped who you are today.

· Part 2: Explain how your current self thinks and behaves.

· Part 3: Explain how your ideal future self will think and behave.

· Part 4: Describe the techniques from Positive Psychology that you can utilize to help you move from your current to your ideal future self.

· Part 5: How will your future self contribute to a better world and better social well-being?

Complete this assignment in six pages (plus a cover sheet and reference page)