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English Assignment

English Assignment


This final assignment is where you synthesize all the assignments together to deliver a finished research proposal. Use the template which has been provided. Failure to utilize the template will result in significant point deductions, including a potential failing grade.

*All previousassignments have been attached


The final assignment is to submit a refined proposal worthy of scholarly study. The process of selecting a topic is an orderly one designed to help you strengthen your research skills. Correct all of the previous assignments and submit a Proposal with the following components:

  • Title Page,
  • Abstract,
  • Table of Contents,
  • Introduction,
  • Literature Review,
  • Methodology, and
  • References

All of the elements must be formatted according to APA. The topic/problem area you select should be significant, broad in scope, and worthy of academic study. It should be 15 to 20 pages in length. Must include a turn it in report