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Despite the increased efforts made in America to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to receive high-quality healthcare and that their general welfare is maintained, there are more incidences of juvenile illnesses and higher mortality rates. People transitioning into young adulthood tend to engage in high-risk activities and substances, which increases their risk of developing chronic lifestyle illnesses and increasing accident levels, which increases the incidence of adolescent death. Youths are also subjected to various pressures, such as challenging educational curricula and finding jobs. According to Medina-Martnez et al. (2002), stress and anxiety are the primary causes of mental health problems among young people in society. However, advanced practice nurses in the area can dramatically increase teens’ understanding of improving their health via early identification and treatment. A competent professional with advanced academic credentials and the requisite clinical experience is an advanced practice nurse who promotes healthcare services to individuals in community-based settings.

The construction of educational programs to assist the young people in the community in overcoming the many health concerns that impact them and the rising mortality rate is one of the tactics that the advanced practice nurse may use. By establishing community-based education programs, advanced practice nurses may engage with teenagers and ensure that the community is involved in addressing the issues that teenagers face. This program will assist nurses in working with other healthcare professionals and community members to identify the best solutions to problems impacting society’s youth and to provide the next generation with the best advice on how to take care of their mental health. Through these educational programs, nurses may also instruct teenagers on various healthcare procedures and precautions to help them maintain excellent health and avoid undesirable habits that can harm their well-being (Anglin et al., 2020). Advanced practice nurses may advance preventive healthcare via these initiatives by instructing children in good habits and illness prevention.

The advanced practice nurse might also put community preventive screening into place to check for several chronic illnesses in children. Nurses may identify diseases affecting the community’s children during preventative screening programs and provide treatment support. The advanced practice nurse will be able to identify the local youth suffering from chronic diseases. To help them continue living long, healthy lives, they can also provide them with a range of advice. By using this tactic, they will lessen the rising instances of high rates of young people dying in the neighborhood (Medina-Martnez et al., 2021).

Despite increased efforts in America to guarantee that everyone has access to first-rate medical treatment and that everyone’s general welfare is preserved, there are more juvenile infections and higher mortality rates. However, advanced practice nurses in the area can dramatically improve children’s awareness of improving their health via early detection and treatment. Implementing education programs is one of the strategies that an advanced practice nurse may employ to assist the community’s youth overcome the many health issues that affect them and the rising mortality rate. Advanced practice nurses may include teens and guarantee community involvement in tackling juvenile difficulties by implementing community-based projects. Additionally, the advanced practice nurse may carry out community preventative screenings to look for chronic illnesses in young people and provide them with health and infection prevention advice.