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Descriptive Statistics And Data Visualizations

Descriptive Statistics And Data Visualizations


Descriptive statistics play an important role in analyzing data. It numerically summarizes key characteristics of variables. Measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and dispersion (variance, standard deviation, and range) characterize the probability distribution. A histogram visualizes the distribution of numerical data, indicating the number of data points that lie within a range of values. For this assignment, you will perform descriptive statistics and create a histogram for selected variables in a dataset.


Download Assignment 1 Dataset [XLSX] Download Assignment 1 Dataset [XLSX].

The dataset contains the following variables:

  • Utilization (average number of patient days per month).
  • Satisfaction (patient satisfaction scores percentile rank).
  • Readmissions (readmission rate per month).


Nursing home administration has the objectives of higher utilization, higher patient satisfaction, and lower readmissions, and they need to make a decision on whether to retain the department manager based on average performance over the past 70 months.

For this assignment, create a descriptive statistics table and histogram based on the Assignment 1 Dataset. Write a narrative summary in a Word document and insert the table and histogram graphic into this document. See the “Copy From Excel to Another Office Program” resource for instructions. Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the descriptive statistics output.

Grading Criteria

The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations rubric, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  1. Perform the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset.
    • Report descriptive statistics table with measures of central tendency and dispersion.
  2. Create a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset.
  3. Interpret statistical results of data analysis.
  4. Write a narrative summary of the practical, administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics.
    • Write a separate summary for the histogram.
  5. Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
  • Length: 2–3 pages.
  • APA format: Cite your sources using current Evidence and APALinks to an external site. format.
  • Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 point.


View RubricWeek 3 Assignment – Descriptive Statistics and Data VisualizationsWeek 3 Assignment – Descriptive Statistics and Data VisualizationsCriteriaRatingsPtsPerform the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset.view longer description40 to >34 ptsDISTINGUISHEDPerforms the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset. Ensures the table is complete, follows the correct format, is well constructed, and is easy to read.34 to >28 ptsPROFICIENTPerforms the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset.28 to >0 ptsBASICIncorrectly performs the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not perform the appropriate descriptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset./ 40 ptsCreate a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset.view longer description40 to >34 ptsDISTINGUISHEDCreates a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset. Ensures the histogram is accurate, well constructed, and easy to interpret.34 to >28 ptsPROFICIENTCreates a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset.28 to >0 ptsBASICCreates a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset but it is incomplete or contains errors.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not create a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset./ 40 ptsInterpret statistical results of a data analysis.view longer description40 to >34 ptsDISTINGUISHEDInterprets statistical results of a data analysis and ensures the interpretation is complete, provides a perceptive and clearly articulated conclusion, and includes an assessment of caveats and limitations.34 to >28 ptsPROFICIENTInterprets statistical results of a data analysis.28 to >0 ptsBASICInterprets statistical results of a data analysis but the interpretation is incomplete, inaccurate, or logically inconsistent with the data.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not interpret statistical results of a data analysis./ 40 ptsWrite a narrative summary of the practical, administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics.view longer description40 to >34 ptsDISTINGUISHEDWrites a scholarly narrative summary of the practical, administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics. Draws valid, fully justified conclusions, well-supported by scholarly literature.34 to >28 ptsPROFICIENTWrites a narrative summary of the practical, administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics.28 to >0 ptsBASICWrites a narrative summary that contains incorrect or insufficient administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not write a narrative summary of the practical, administration-related implications of the descriptive statistics./ 40 ptsWrite clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.view longer description40 to >34 ptsDISTINGUISHEDWrites clearly and concisely. Ensures grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting are error free.34 to >28 ptsPROFICIENTWrites clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.28 to >0 ptsBASICWrites in a manner that is unclear and disorganized, includes errors in grammar and mechanics that inhibit effective communication, or contains incorrect or improperly formatted source citations and references.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting./ 40 ptsTotal Points: 0

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