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The God of Promise and the Life of Faith

The God of Promise and the Life of Faith

The God of Promise and the Life of Faith:

Understanding the Heart of the Bible

Scott J. Hafemann


Chapter Four: Why Can We Trust God No Matter What Happens?


The Focus and Foundation of Faith

What is faith?

How does Israel’s wilderness experience illustrate faith, especially their “test” with the manna?


The inextricable unity of faith and obedience

Every command of God is built upon a promise from God.

How can the glory of God be the assurance of salvation (87-88)?


The Foundation, Focus, and Obedience of Faith

How are the covenant stipulations centered on God?

How would you explain the relationship between faith and obedience? How do the Bible writers relate faith and obedience?

What is the source of true (obedient) faith? Phil. 2:12-13

What is the ultimate foundation of faith? 2 Pet. 1:3-4

When does the life of faith end? 1 Cor. 13:12-13


Chapter Five: Why Does God Wait So Long To Make Things Right?


The God of Hope

What is hope like, and why is it important to faith?

What does this mean about the manner in which he fulfills the longings of believers?

What are some biblical examples of people who hoped in God?

What does it mean that God tends to inaugurate but not consummate promises? How does this foster faith and hope?

What is God’s ultimate assurance to us that he will raise us from the dead and finally and completely deliver us?

According to Romans 5, why should Christians have hope in the midst of their sufferings?

According to Romans 5, how can Christian hope be more than the power of positive thinking?


The Holy Spirit—a demonstration of God’s love

What does it mean to be adopted as God’s children? Rom. 8:14

Who is the downpayment for our future?

How can we persevere through present suffering? James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:3-7.



Chapter Six: Why Is There So Much Pain And Evil In The World?


Suffering and the Sovereignty of God

Does the suffering of God’s people mean that he cannot or will not keep his promises of protection and provision? Or is he purposefully delaying the fulfillment of his promises?


Free Will Theism—Openness Theology

Why did God give people free will?

Does God determine our actions? If yes, how does this fit with free will?

What is the reason for the existence of evil?

What is Satan’s role in evil?

How can God be “love” and allow evil? Why does God lead his people through suffering?

What are the three kinds of Christian suffering?