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This Case Conceptualization Form will be used in several ways this quarter to assist you in developing and strengthening your ability to conceptualize cases. For the Discussions, it will be used in parts and will be based on a case study provided. For the Final, it will be completed in full and based on the client you work with in your Skills Demonstration.



1. Review the Case Study of Charlotte provided in the Week 3 Learning Resources.

2. Based on the Case Study, respond fully and in paragraph form to the prompts below.

3. Type your full responses in complete sentences and in the expandable cell within each section. The cell will lengthen as you type.

4. Once you have completed all sections of the form, copy and paste the entire document into the Week 3 Discussion Forum as your Main Post.



Counselor name: Client age: 28
Client initials: C Client race or ethnicity: African American
# of sessions with client: Unknown Self-identified gender: Female (She/Her)


Presenting Problem

To understand the presenting problem, describe the client’s past and present. Be sure to address each of the following elements:

· Demographic information

· Employment History

· Relevant legal problems

· History of counseling

· Reason for seeking counseling, according to the client

· Onset and duration of concern

· Frequency and intensity of symptoms

· What the client wants to improve

Your discussion of the Presenting Problem should include 2–3 well-formed paragraphs. In response to the prompts above, begin typing here:


Charlotte is a 28-year-old single African American woman who is currently seeking counseling for depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and motivation. Although Charlotte has worked in retail and restaurants, she has not been able to sustain long-term employment and has been unemployed the last three months. She attributes her financial woes to the marked increased stress and discontinued support by her family. By seeking counseling at New Changes Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment Facility, Charlotte hopes to improve her self-esteem, reduce her anxiety, and depression related symptoms. In doing so, she looks forward to finding sustainable employment and enrolling in college.


Charlotte reported anxiety and depression to be have been present the past six months, but has become more persistent in the past two weeks. She also has reported disrupted sleep patterns and a decreased appetite. To cope, Charlotte has been self-medicating with marijuana that began when she was 16. At this time, she denies any feelings of suicidal ideation, but reports some feelings of hopelessness beginning to surface. At the age of 24, Charlotte required hospitalization after experiencing depressive symptoms following a break-up. Even now, she experiences continues to experience some emotional disregulation due to the long tem impact of her past traumas.





Family Structure

Clients and their concerns are shaped by their family structure and stage of development. Be sure to address each of the following elements and their impact:

· Family of origin and role within

· Family of choice, if different, and role within

· Significant relationships/relationship patterns

· Children, marriages, divorces

· Current living arrangements

· Major losses, traumas

· Family mental health history

· Family substance abuse history

· Family violence or abuse history

· Stage of development impacts

· Developmental challenges

Your discussion of Family Structure should include 2–3 well-formed paragraphs. In response to the prompts above, begin typing here:


Charlotte is single and does not have any children. She was raised in a Christian faith and grew up in a small, predominantly upper-middle-class neighborhood near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her family. Having previously provided her with financial support, her parents decided to discontinue their support believing Charlotte should be self-sufficient by now. Charlotte is temporarily staying with friends after being between places to live.

Among Charlotte’s family are her parents, who work in the medical field. She feels pressured to succeed against her parent’s expectations. Her brother is a veterinarian, which adds to her feelings of inadequacy.

Charlotte’s father struggles with alcoholism and anger. Charlotte has experienced bouts of explosive outbursts and property destruction in the past she attributes to being learned behavior from her father. Charlotte’s mother has a history of depression and currently takes medication.

Additionally, Charlotte reported a history of sexual assault that began while she was in high school. During this time, she learned she was diagnosed with a learning disability, further bolstering her feelings of negative self-image.


Multicultural Considerations

Many multicultural considerations and their intersectionality shape clients and their concerns. Be sure to address each of the following elements that apply and their impact on the person, the problem, and the counseling relationship:

· Race, ethnicity

· Religion, spirituality, or faith

· Ability limitations, impairments

· Sexual, affectional orientation

· Cisgender, transgender, or otherwise identified

· Age, generation

· Socioeconomic status, affluence, homelessness

· Military upbringing, involvement, deployment

· Criminal justice system, gang culture, drug culture

· Immigration status, language preference

· Geographic influences, environmental factors

· Experiences of oppression or marginalization

Your discussion of Multicultural Considerations should include 2–3 well-formed paragraphs. In response to the prompts above, begin typing here:


Charlotte’s presenting problem is influenced by feelings of marginalization. As one of the few students of color at her high school, she feels she is treated differently. The impact of systemic racism and societal stereotypes may have contributed to her poor academic performance and affected her mental well-being.


Charlotte’s socioeconomic class significantly influenced her life. She experiences stress due to her unemployment and unstable financial situation. The counselor should consider the socioeconomic obstacles Charlotte might encounter while trying to access resources and opportunities for employment and stability.


Experiences of oppression or marginalization, such as being a victim of sexual assault, can profoundly impact Charlotte’s feelings of her own self-image. The counselor must be sensitive to the intersectionality of her experiences and the potential impact of trauma and societal stigma. Addressing these multicultural considerations is crucial in understanding Charlotte’s unique perspective and providing culturally sensitive counseling. The counselor should create a safe and inclusive environment where Charlotte feels understood and validated in her experiences, promoting her healing and growth.