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Week 6 Behavior & Stress Managment

Week 6 Behavior & Stress Managment

Creative Journal and Project: Meditation Techniques (Week 6)


Pick one to three different types of Meditations or Contemplations (e.g., Centering Prayer, LovingKindness Meditation, etc.) to try, and practice several times this week. Journal about your experience through writing, drawing, painting, photography, etc. or a combination of approaches. Take photographs or make scans of your journaling to share with class. Include a brief (1-2 page) paper explaining which technique(s) you tried and how your journal expresses your experience with the techniques.

Post your Journal images and brief paper in the Yellowdig community, and include a comment in the posting about your perception of the techniques and what surprised you the most about them. Clearly and directly connect your techniques to the contemplative practices from your class content. Cite your sources. Post a question based on your experience for your peers to consider.