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Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 4 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100–200-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

· What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?

· What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?

· What clarification do you need regarding the posting?

· What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?


A well-balanced marketing strategy for your product or service includes advertising and public relations elements, along with digital (social media platforms) and nondigital channels (traditional communication channels).

· What motivated you to purchase the last non-essential product that you bought? 

What motivated me to purchase the service of a gym membership was gaining weight , and knowing I am getting older in age and wanting to be healthier. Since last August I was managing a fitness center for about 4 years and it helped me change my lifestyle in many ways. Then all sudden they decided to shut down due to waterpark and decided not to relocate. So for many years I was able to workout and use the fitness center for free. Since last August when they shut down and I started working an in office job I noticed me gaining weight and slipping back into old habits.

I decided to look into local gyms near by to decide which gym was best for me to become a member. The fact I was gaining weight and slipping into bad eating habits again and having a  less active job that is why I was motivated to buy a monthly gym membership. One of the most important factors was the fact I was gaining weight and I am older now and it is harder to lose the older I would get! Another motivation was because I was getting older it’s best to change eating habits now then when I’m older things like this do help one live longer. So I decided to cut certain foods out and start working out to help minimize health risks. Additionally , exercise helps with better sleeping , helps with mental well being as well as helping with energy. Finally, I knew summer was coming and waited until the last minute and now I was not fitting into my clothes from last year so that was one my last motivations for buying these services.

Many people would think this is an essential service if they are deep into health and exercise but in all reality it is not essential you could live without it. This type of service is more of a luxury, a hobby something we would choose to do for better benefits in our life so it would be considered non essential service that I bought for better outcome in my daily living.

Was the message advertised or publicized through a digital or nondigital communication platform? 

The few fitness centers I looked into did both marketing platforms digital and non digital . They also had public relations and advertising. The reason I decided to look in to these two fitness centers was because of the different channels of communication they used to market. They had some advertising and some public relations aspects in reaching their consumers which brought them to my attention the most.

First I’ll speak on some advertising I had seen about the gym I choose. In the past years even when I was working as a manager in the other center I have heard a radio station that visited the gym I choose few times a year. They would go to that gym set up little interviews and allow the manager or owner of the gym speak about their services and what they have to offer as well as prices, discounts and promotions. I have also received few direct mailers in my mail few times a year with a discounted price to bring this mailer in and they would provide us a discount and this help me remember the business when I decided to look into a fitness center. I remembered hearing them on the radio and the direct mailers they sent to my home. Additionally, I seen many ads on different social media platform about this fitness center. They had ad banners pop up on Facebook and instagram plenty of times. They also provided video content on their own website with a tour of their gym and customers using their facility. Lastly, I would see friends on my social media platforms post on their platforms of being at that fitness center. They would post videos of them working out, videos of using the sauna, tanning and much more. Furthermore, they would post that they were going there and why they enjoyed it there as well so because I had seen so many different ads and that I knew people going their I got to see insight on the fitness center.

When it came to public relation aspects of marketing there were a few that stood out for me in the same company. The company I choose has a big billboard within the city with their location, promotions and the features that the fitness center provides with a membership. This company makes themselves seen in many ways to make it hard for locals to forget who they are and what they provide. When I began my internet search about this company I noticed many guests posted on their platforms and was mentioning the business as well as sharing the businesses website. Moreover, I went to the businesses web pages and noticed that they had many partnerships with businesses within the city. Some of these businesses were few salads places, couple vegetarian restaurants and the buffets in the casinos. That made me feel comfortable that they are giving back to the community that support them. Finally, I noticed that they go in the boardwalk and have giveaways with a spinning wheel which was also very intriguing so I decided to go to the center and check it out  in person and it was as beautiful as people made it sound.

· What communication channels do you respond best to when it comes to the products and services that you buy?


The best communication channels I respond to I would say is digital and mostly from the internet. But it also depends. If I feel I want something I won’t go in person to look at things . I will look it up online, check their website, their reviews and then their social media platforms first. Honestly only time I buy things in person anymore is if I’m in a store and I see something I previously wanted or see it and think I can utilize it I will buy it right away.

Most things I currently buy I’ve either seen others post or talk about it online and then check it out . I go deep into their sites, reviews and all that prior to buying it. Mostly, it would be influencers I see, banner ads while I’m browsing on  social media platforms . Another way is I see others posting things on their platforms that interest me and then I’ll continue to look into the product or service. So when it comes down the best channeling for me as a customer would be internet in this century. I browse social media a lot throughout the day I say way more than I should so that would be my best channel for seeing products. I am also big on looking into things via google, safari  and other  search engines like that when I think of something I need I’ll google and research it my self prior to going specifically to the service or products websites.

Finally, I’d say both public relations and advertising channels of communication I use but clearly only on the internet based offers and information. It would depend on the company on what communication channels they used via technology wise and what uses of public relations or advertising they used online because I am more prone to seeing online marketing.




https://online.maryville.edu/blog/digital-communication/#:~:text=To%20start%2C%20let’s%20determine%20a,or%20publishing%20native%20advertising%20articles .



· What motivated you to purchase the last non-essential product that you bought?

In my experience, the motivation behind purchasing a non-essential product is often influenced by a combination of factors such as personal needs, desires, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies employed by the company. The last non-essential product I bought was a smartwatch and my motivation for buying it was that my last one was no longer functional and lacked features that the new one offered.

· Was the message advertised or publicized through a digital or nondigital communication platform?

The message promoting the smartwatch was primarily advertised through digital communication platforms. I came across multiple online advertisements on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. These platforms used targeted advertising, showing me relevant ads based on my browsing history and interests. The smartwatch was showcased through engaging videos and compelling visuals, highlighting its features, benefits, and how it could enhance my lifestyle. Additionally, the advertisements provided a link to the company’s website where I could find more information and make a purchase.

While digital communication platforms played a significant role in attracting my attention to the product, the company also utilized nondigital channels to reinforce their marketing message. I received promotional emails from the company, providing updates about new features, exclusive offers, and customer testimonials. These emails served as a reminder and helped maintain my interest in the product. Furthermore, the company collaborated with influencers and technology bloggers who shared their experiences with the smartwatch on their blogs and YouTube channels. These endorsements added credibility to the product and influenced my decision to make the purchase.

· What communication channels do you respond best to when it comes to the products and services that you buy?

When it comes to the products and services I buy, I tend to respond best to a combination of digital and nondigital communication channels. Digital channels offer convenience and immediacy, allowing me to research and compare products easily. I appreciate the ability to access detailed product information, customer reviews, and ratings, which helps me make informed decisions. Social media platforms provide visual representations of products and create a sense of aspiration by showcasing how they can fit into my lifestyle.

On the other hand, nondigital communication channels like email marketing and influencer endorsements play a complementary role in my decision-making process. Well-crafted email newsletters keep me engaged and informed about new releases, updates, and promotions. I value authentic recommendations from influencers or experts in a specific field as they provide real-life experiences and insights that I find valuable.



There are six external factors in the decision-making process in a business. The six external factors are political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal. The political external factor focuses on the political standpoint of the decision. This is speaking of whether the government wants to bring in new laws. This factor is involved in the decisions and laws that governments make. An example of a political external factor is government policy.

The economic external factor is the factor that is determined by the economy’s performance and growth. This factor can have a direct or indicative effect on the company. An example of an economic factor is inflation rates. The social external factor is the general environment that represents the social aspects of the organization’s population and its operations. An example of the social factor would be population growth.

The technological factor is the innovations in technology that can help or hurt the operations. An example would be technological awareness. The environmental external factor is the factor that includes ecological and environmental aspects. An example of this factor would be weather, climate, and pressures from NGOs. Last but not least, we have the external legal factor. The legal factor has some overlap with the political factor. This factor doesn’t have the same wide spread reach as politics but has some valuable aspects. An example of this would be antitrust laws.

The industry I have chosen is the manufacturing industry. I have worked in manufacturing just about all my life. The pestle I would choose for this one would be technology as an external factor. One advantage that it has with manufacturing is that it can make way for new practices and new equipment to help the business. Help with the growth of the business because you’re also looking for better equipment. The disadvantage of this for manufacturing would be trying to develop the new product. While the training time it takes to learn this new equipment could also set the company behind,

If I were a manager in a global organization, I would use the technology factor to help my company advance. I would do this by trying to find machines that cut down on the time it takes to make the product. This means half the time more product is pushed out. Also, I would find new and efficient ways to make my business flow better. Without holding a lot of stock, I would try to get more business.

Political factors – External factors – National 5 Business management Revision – BBC Bitesize

PESTEL Analysis (PEST Analysis) EXPLAINED with EXAMPLES | B2U (business-to-you.com)

Technological factors – External factors – Higher Business management Revision – BBC Bitesize



An Important Factor of PESTLE in Manufacturing Industry

The level of technological development available to manufacturers is a major determinant of their ability to run efficiently and compete successfully. Technological developments and inventions profoundly impact the manufacturing industry. Production processes, automation, supply chain management, and product creation are examples of where technology is instrumental (de Bruin, 2022). In order to boost production, quality, efficiency, and competitiveness, manufacturers rely largely on technological advancements. Automation and robotics have changed the face of manufacturing by making assembly lines more efficient and less prone to mistakes. In manufacturing, cutting-edge tools like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics allow for better decision-making, more efficient inventory management, and more accurate predictive maintenance (de Bruin, 2022). These tools allow manufacturers to gain knowledge and make educated decisions. In addition, technological considerations are critical for developing new products and providing individualized services. In order to keep up with shifting consumer expectations, manufacturers must utilize cutting-edge technologies. By embracing and implementing new technology, manufacturers can improve their competitive standing, create novel goods, and adapt quickly to market shifts (Chen, 2019). Sustainable and environmentally conscious manufacturing also benefits from technology-driven production processes. Waste, energy use, and negative environmental effects can all be mitigated through eco-friendly technology and procedures.

Advantage and Disadvantage of PESTLE

PESTEL provides a thorough framework for evaluating the external elements that affect a company’s strategy. It sheds light on the larger environment by considering political, economic, sociological, technological, ecological, and legal factors. As an example, businesses might benefit from examining economic data in order to foresee better and adapt to changes in the market. A manufacturer might cut costs, diversify its product line, or go into untapped markets if a recession occurs (de Bruin, 2022). Unfortunately, PESTEL analysis is not without its flaws. It can be difficult and time-consuming, necessitating energy and knowledge. Rapid technological changes make it difficult to keep up, as new developments and disruptions must be constantly tracked. It becomes harder to foresee the effects of technologies like blockchain and AI on business strategy (Dinçer et al., 2019). Possible consequences of such game-changing technology are overlooked in the analysis. In sum, PESTEL analysis helps businesses conduct in-depth analyses of external influences. Although it improves strategic decision-making, it is resource intensive and often fails to foresee the full impact of disruptive technology.

Global Manager incorporating Technology for Competitive Advantage

There are several ways in which a global manager might use technology innovation to provide their company with an edge in the marketplace. As a first step, businesses should promote an environment conducive to innovation by providing channels for idea sharing and generation through teamwork and specific initiatives (Azeem et al., 2020; de Bruin, 2022). Second, the manager’s ability to spot openings for adopting creative solutions, enhancing operations, and optimizing procedures depend on familiarity with the latest technical developments and industry trends. Access to cutting-edge technologies and skills can be gained through collaborations with technology providers, academic institutions, or startups (Dinçer et al., 2019). To achieve game-changing innovations that set the company apart from rivals, investing in research and development (R&D) is essential. Finally, encouraging a learning culture and a growth mentality can help staff members quickly master new technologies and adapt to shifting business needs. Managers can obtain a technological edge and boost productivity by following these steps.



Azeem, M., Ahmed, M., Haider, S., & Sajjad, M. (2021). Expanding competitive advantage through organizational culture, knowledge sharing and organizational innovation. Technology in Society, p. 66, 101635.

Chen, C. J. (2019). Developing a model for supply chain agility and innovativeness to enhance firms’ competitive advantage. Management Decision, 57(7), 1511–1534.

de Bruin, L. (2022, April 22). PESTEL analysis (PEST analysis) explained with examples. B2U – Business-to-you.com. Retrieved May 30, 2023, from  https://www.business-to-you.com/scanning-the-environment-pestel-analysis/

Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Adalı, Z., & Aydın, R. (2019). Evaluating the role of research and development and technology investments on economic development of E7 countries. In Organizational transformation and managing innovation in the fourth industrial revolution (pp. 245-263). IGI Global.