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The Prosecution Defense.

The Prosecution Defense.

Don’t forget to also reference Rennison, C. M., & Dodge, M. (2022). Introduction to criminal justice: Systems, diversity, and change (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage/Cengage.

The Prosecution, Defense, and Pretrial Activities

In Chapter 8, we learned that the U.S. is based on an adversarial system such that the prosecutor and the defense attorney compete to reveal the truth. During this fact-finding process, there are several other actors that become involved. One important group of actors constitute the jury.

Based on the material from lecture and reading, how are juries selected for criminal trials? Explain the process of being selected to serve on a jury.

Next, tell me, have females and people of color always been included in the jury? Choose one demographic group (e.g., females or people of color) and explain how they have been formally and informally  excluded from jury duty in the past, and how this has  changed in present day. Be sure to provide at least one  example to demonstrate how laws have changed (such as a court case ruling) as a result.

Last, tell me, what are the impacts of having a racially/ethnically and gender diverse jury? What are some benefits to having a diverse jury serving on a criminal case? For this last question, I really want you to consider: why is diversity important in the jury selection process? Can diverse perspectives be beneficial in the interpretations of facts and evidence? Is race/ethnic and gender representation important to have on a jury? These are some thought questions to help you get started on the DB.

Note: We want to see  your understanding of the course concepts. Please refrain from copying from one another in the DBs.

As a reminder, be sure to fully address all parts of the prompt using the reading and lecture material to support your answers. A one sentence explanation or bullet points will not receive full credit. You must answer each of the prompt’s questions in detail.

For example, “According to Rennison and Dodge (2021), juries are critical in the court case process because they are responsible for …

In the past, females (or people of color) have been historically barred from participation in juries…”

Then, you would trace the history of how females or people of color have been excluded from the jury and how today, modern laws protect against exclusion on jury duty.

As always, please remain respectful and civil in your posts.