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To prepare for this Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion:

· Review the Learning Resources and the media programs related to correlation and regression.

· Search for and select a quantitative article specific to your discipline and related to correlation or regression. Help with this task may be found in the Course guide and assignment help linked in this week’s Learning Resources. Also, you can use as guide the Research Design Alignment Table located in this week’s Learning Resources.


Write a 3- to 5-paragraph critique of the article. In your critique, include responses to the following:

1. What is the research design used by the authors?

2. Why did the authors use correlation or bivariate regression?

3. Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?

4. Did the authors display the data?

5. Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?

6. Did the authors report effect size? If yes, is this meaningful?

Be sure to support your Main Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.



Required Readings

· Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020).  Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

· Chapter 12, “Regression and Correlation” (pp. 401-457)


· Wagner, III, W. E. (2020).  Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

· Chapter 8, “Correlation and Regression Analysis”


· Walden University Library. (n.d.).  Course Guide and Assignment Help for RSCH 8210Links to an external site. . Retrieved from  http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/rsch8210Links to an external site. For help with this week’s research, see this Course Guide and related weekly assignment resources.


· Magnusson, K. (n.d.).  Welcome to Kristoffer Magnusson’s blog About R, Statistics, Psychology, Open Science, Data VisualizationLinks to an external site.  [blog]. Retrieved from  http://rpsychologist.com/index.htmlLinks to an external site. As you review this web blog, select  New d3.js visualization: Interpreting Correlations link once you select the link, follow the instructions to view the interactive for interpreting correlations. This interactive will help you to visualize and understand correlations between two variables. Note: This is Kristoffer Magnusson’s personal blog and his views may not necessarily reflect the views of Walden University faculty.

Optional Resources

· Correlation Klingenberg, B. (2016).  Correlation gameLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from https://istats.shinyapps.io/guesscorr/ Use the following app/weblink for an interactive visual display of correlation slopes.

· Regression Klingenberg, B. (2016). Explore linear regression. Retrieved from https://istats.shinyapps.io/ExploreLinReg/ Use the following app/weblink for an interactive visual display of regression slopes.


· Skill Builder:

· Interpreting Correlation and Regression Coefficients

You are encouraged to click through these and all Skill Builders to gain additional practice with these concepts. Doing so will bolster your knowledge of the concepts you’re learning this week and throughout the course.