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Both the primary post and the reply posts must contain and be based upon legal definitions and not personal opinions

Both the primary post and the reply posts must contain and be based upon legal definitions and not personal opinions

Note – Both the primary post and the reply posts must contain and be based upon legal definitions and not personal opinions.  Stated facts or legal definitions without references will not count.  In this DFA, you must reference the e-text chapter for each of your definitions.  If you conduct research outside of the e-text, you must show those references at the bottom of the primary or reply post.

Remember that DFAs cannot be submitted late.

IMPORTANT: You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1.  After you have replied to question 1, you will then be able to see your classmates’ responses.  You will then create a SECOND post to address question 2, where you respond to two of your classmates. Remember that the primary or first post is due by Wednesday night in order to retain full point scoring options.

A. PART A – create a post to reply to question 1:

Watch the following video:
VIDEO LINKLinks to an external site.
(Video: Are Your Internet Friends Real Friends; 2:54 mins; cc)

1. You were selected to serve on a jury, and when asked if you knew the defendant, you answered, “no,” as you did not recognize him.  It was later discovered that you were friends with the defendant on Facebook, and you were dismissed from the jury.

Include your thoughts on the following for your discussion post:  Was it appropriate for the court to dismiss you from the jury?  Should evidence have been submitted to show that Facebook friends do not always know each other?  Explain your answers and rationale. Note – your explanation must contain a legal basis and a reference to the legal source of your information – think about the IRAC structure as a guide.

B. PART B – after you have posted your reply for question 1, create two other posts to respond to your classmates on question 2: