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The Rat Experiment

The Rat Experiment

Department of Applied Behavior Analysis, Russell Sage College

ABA 501: Introduction to Behavior Analysis

Professor’s Name












CyberRat Lab Report #3: Reinforcement Schedules

Experiment 1: Thinning Reinforcement Schedule

CRF to FR8

In this section, you will describe how you gradually thinned the reinforcement schedule from a CRF to an FR8 schedule. You should include the following information, in paragraph form (full sentences). How many total reinforcers did it take to reach your goal? How many experimental sessions did you run, and how long was each session? What schedule did you use for each session? Be specific—describe each session. “The reinforcement schedule for Session 1 was VI 15-sec. The graph showed (describe rat’s behavior pattern). The reinforcement schedule for Session 2 was VI 30-sec. The graph showed…”.

When describing response patterns, note whether responding was stable or whether you saw signs of thinning too quickly? How did you determine this—what the graph look like? Did you see a break and run pattern? This part should be at least 300 words.

CRF to VI4

In this section, you will describe how you gradually thinned the reinforcement schedule from a CRF to a VI 4-min schedule. You should include the following information, in paragraph form (full sentences). How many total reinforcers did it take to reach your goal? How many experimental sessions did you run, and how long was each session? What schedule did you use for each session? Be specific—describe each session. “The reinforcement schedule for Session 1 was VI 15-sec. The graph showed (describe rat’s behavior pattern). The reinforcement schedule for Session 2 was VI 30-sec. The graph showed…”

When describing response patterns of each session, note whether responding was stable or if you saw signs of thinning too quickly? How did you determine this—what did the graph show? This part should be at least 300 words.

Experiment 1 Discussion

In this section, you will discuss the differences in your strategy and results for the FR8 and VI 4-min rats. Explain why you obtained the results that you did. Talk in terms of the effects that each type of schedule has on responding and why this occurs. Discuss the difference between fixed and variable schedules, and how this can affect responding. Also discuss the difference between ratio and interval schedules, and how this tends to affect responding. This paragraph should be at least 200 words.

Experiment 2: Resistance to Extinction

Description of Sessions


In this section you will describe the response patterns you saw during the extinction session(s) you ran with your CRF rat. Also indicate the length of time it took from the start of each session to the time extinction criterion was reached. Identify when the extinction burst was evident. (This usually happens in the beginning of the session.) Also indicate whether you observed spontaneous recovery. (This happens AFTER the extinction criterion has been reached.) If you did, indicate when it occurred and how long responding continued. Be sure to indicate how many sessions were run before the extinction criterion was met. This part should be at least 200 words.

FR8 Rat

In this section you will describe the response patterns you saw during the extinction session(s) you ran with your FR8 rat. Also indicate the length of time it took from the start of each session to the time extinction criterion was reached. Identify when the extinction burst was evident. Also indicate whether yo how are you you’re not well and I want to start videou observed spontaneous recovery. If you did, indicate when it occurred and how long responding continued. Be sure to indicate how many sessions were run before the extinction criterion was met. This part should be at least 200 words.

VI 4-min Rat

In this section you will describe the response patterns you saw during the extinction session(s) you ran with your VI 4-min rat. Also indicate the length of time it took from the start of each session to the time extinction criterion was reached. Identify when the extinction burst was evident. Also indicate whether you observed spontaneous recovery. If you did, indicate when it occurred and how long responding continued. Be sure to indicate how many sessions were run before the extinction criterion was met. This part should be at least 200 words.


Start with a paragraph explaining how to read this type of graph. Since all of the graphs are of the same type, you describe them once at the beginning. You can say something like: “All of the graphs shown below are cumulative frequency graphs.” Then explain how to read them (refer to Lab #2 Template for more details.). You do NOT have to describe the reinforcement lines on these graphs because there are none.

Graph for CRF Rat


Write a paragraph describing what this graph shows about your CRF rat’s extinction session. Refer to the template for Lab #2 for specific instructions and an example on how to do this. Identify the extinction burst and what it looks like. Describe where the extinction criterion was met. Identify any periods of spontaneous recovery if present (if not, do not mention it).

Graph for FR8 Rat

Write a paragraph describing what this graph shows about your FR8 rat’s extinction session. Refer to the template for Lab #2 for specific instructions and an example on how to do this. Identify the extinction burst and what it looks like. Describe where the extinction criterion was met. Identify any periods of spontaneous recovery if present (if not, do not mention it).

Graph for VI-4 Rat

Write a paragraph describing what this graph shows about your VI-4 rat’s extinction session. Refer to the template for Lab #2 for specific instructions and an example on how to do this. Identify the extinction burst and what it looks like. Describe where the extinction criterion was met. Identify any periods of spontaneous recovery if present (if not, do not mention it).


In this section you should discuss the similarities and differences in responding across the three rats. Explain why any differences may have occurred. Which rat showed the greatest resistance to extinction? Why? Discuss in terms of the differences between fixed vs variable and ratio vs interval schedules. Use behavioral language. Do not talk about the rat “knowing” or “expecting”. This section should be at least 200 words.