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Business Finance – Management BUS311 Unit 3 Assignment

Business Finance – Management BUS311 Unit 3 Assignment

Overview: Investigate how your own communication is impacted by diversity. Instructions: • Take the assessment below

o https://www.washcoll.edu/campus-community/diversity-equity-and- inclusion/Diversity%20Self-Assessment.pdf

o Report your scores for each section o Report your total score o Answer the reflection questions

• Create an at least two-page reflection journal (double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman or similar) that answers the following questions:

o Consider an experience you had with someone who was different than you and there was conflict or difficulty communicating (not a language barrier). This could be race, gender, religion, politics, country or geographic area, etc.  What caused the conflict? How did you contribute to the conflict?  How was the response different than how you usually handle conflict with

someone of the same race, gender, religion, political leanings, country or geographic area, etc.

 What did you assume?  How did those assumptions impact the communication?  What would you do differently this time?

o This is based on an exercise in: https://www.washcoll.edu/campus- community/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/Diversity%20Self-Assessment.pdf

Requirements: At least two pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman or similar font, answer each of the questions



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Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.



© 2022 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Evaluation Rubric Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

(0-14 points) (15-24 points) (25-39 points) (40-45 points)

Content & Substance

Content does no analysis

Content offers a superficial analysis of diversity assessment.


Content analyzes diversity assessment. The details are relevant with sufficient details.


Content analyzes diversity assessment. The details are relevant, on- topic and substantive.


(0-5 points) (6-12 points) (13-20 points) (21-25 points)

Meets Assignment Criteria

Does not include assessment and reflection.

Includes assessment or the reflection but not both or both are completed but are incomplete.

Includes only portions of the assessment or the reflection journal but is missing one or two sections.

Assessment and reflection journal are complete.

(0-5 points) (6-10 points) (11-15 points) (16-20 points)

Grammar and Spelling

Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.

More than two errors.

Only one or two errors.

All grammar and spelling are correct.

(0-3 points) (4-5 points) (6-8 points) (9-10 points)

Tone Professional tone/style is not employed.


Professional tone/style is inconsistent.


Professional tone/style is consistent.


Professional tone/style is carefully crafted and enhances the message.



  • Overview:
  • Instructions:
  • Requirements:
  • Evaluation Rubric Assignment