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You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts


· You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

· All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible cited in current APA style with support from at least 1 academic sources for each response.



Discussion Post 1

It has been a positive experience for me as a student nurse practitioner to examine and implement nursing research into my clinical practice. Nursing research provides a scientific basis for evidence-based practice, enabling me to give my patients the most high-quality care. Nursing research has helped me establish a critical approach to clinical decision-making. By staying up to date on the most recent research findings, I can evaluate the validity and reliability of different studies and incorporate the most pertinent data into my daily practice. This helps me to make decisions based on the strongest and newest data available, therefore, enhancing patient outcomes and safety.

I have seen many instances throughout my clinical rotations in which nursing research has directly affected my clinical decision-making. For example, research studies have provided evidence-based guidance for medication management, lifestyle adjustments, and patient education for managing patients with chronic diseases. Examples of a few chronic diseases that evidence-based research has helped is diabetes, hypercholesteremia, and hypertension. By employing this knowledge, I may alter my interventions to the specific needs of each patient, ultimately improving their health results.

In addition, nursing research has assisted me in identifying gaps in current practice and motivated me to do my own investigation. By getting involved in nursing research, I can potentially contribute to the expansion of nursing knowledge and enhance patient care. This includes developing research questions, conducting literature reviews, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings in scholarly journal articles or presentations (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2018). Through my clinical rotation experiences, I have gained a more thorough understanding of the significance and necessity of the research process in nursing practice advancement. Without nursing research, our standards of care, disease treatments, and diagnostic studies, among other things, would never evolve as advancements in technology do.

Noting that incorporating research into clinical practice necessitates constant learning and proves that change is essential. The healthcare industry is ever-changing, and new study discoveries emerge frequently. As a result, I feel that I have consistently gained more knowledge through credible online journal sources, conferences, and having many discussions with colleagues and mentors. This guarantees that my clinical practice stays evidence-based and patient-centered and enables me to stay current on the latest, most accurate health advancements, which in turn, gives the best outcome for my patients. Some examples of current nursing research at the collegiate level are: (Van Schothorst–van Roekel et al., 2021)

· Adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s)

· Bruise study (light detection of bruises in various skin tones)

· Cancer screening, prevention and education

· Cardiac care and congenital heart disease

· Chronic disease self-management—Including diabetes self-management

Utilizing nursing research within my clinical practice has been a positive experience for me. It has enhanced my capacity to think critically, directed my decision-making, and enabled me to provide my patients with the best possible treatment and care. By staying aware and actively educating myself on the most recent research results, I can continuously modify and enhance my practice, thereby contributing to the progress of nursing knowledge and the provision of high-quality healthcare to all patients I have the opportunity to care for.



Research utilization in nursing is a multi-faceted operation that is aimed at making a positive advancement in the healthcare. Research utilization (also known as research to practice) can best be described as applying scientific research findings to clinical practice (Jabonete & Roxas, 2022). Research utilization is significant to advanced practice nurses as it very helpful in choosing the best options and treatments that are the most beneficial to the patient. The advantages of research utilization include increased positive outcomes of patients, patient satisfaction, and can also improve the quality of healthcare by fostering professional development and effective health services that is cost efficient (Dagne & Ayalew, 2020).

Furthermore, there are some variances for research utilization. These variances or categories include instrumental, process, and conceptual, which all can play a role in in developing clinical practices.

I personally have had experiences with instrumental research. Unlike conceptual research that is composed of completely new guidelines or practices that has not been researched; whereas instrumental research is improvement and improvisation of already existing clinical guidelines based upon new and emerging research. For example, on my neurology unit there were concerns with our patient and family members not being proactive in follow-up care, medication adherence, as well as other treatment regimen. Our nursing unit council met and attributed that the inefficacy of our patient portal may play a role in adequate follow up care. There have been previous research studies that have already demonstrated that portal usage has been associated with increase in medication adherence, health literacy, patient engagement, and chronic disease self-management (Ochoa et al., 2020). The patient portal, or MyChart system is the portal that my workplace uses (UF Health). It gives the patient access to images, noted, labs and diagnosis results, access to physicians and specialty providers, as well as appointments.  However, this information was not loaded into the chart until several days to week after the patient was discharged either or home or to rehab which interfered with patients using the portal. Even in the outpatient clinic sites, pertinent notes and results of patients was not uploaded and readily available to the patient.

Within or research study we compared patient compliances and patient outcomes who were over the ago 18 years old who used the portal to

those patients who did not use the patient portal at all.  We started off with assisting in the UF Neurology clinics with educating patients on how to

access the patient portal, and how to use it. In the hospital setting, we worked in conjunction with nursing informatics to allow immediate release of

test and diagnostic results (if appropriate), notes, and appointments. In addition, the volunteer services played a role in helping to educate hospitalized

patients on registering the portal and how to use.  Patients who were not portal users were also derived from both the clinic and hospital setting as

well. All of the patient apart of the study was randomly selected and were made up of all neurology patients.

The data that was collected directly from the portal via a specified record recording and collection process. The records request included

information on patient demographics, diagnoses, zip code, login dates with total login time for each encounter, and dates of communications with

providers (Ochoa et al., 2020). Overall, the study did not demonstrate a direct correlation to better outcomes for patients who used the portal

compared to those who did not.  However, there was supportive data that revealed minority populations that were in both groups were still non

complaint with the intended goals of treatment.

After this study there were changes with portal which allowed direct release of results for both the inpatients and the outpatient patients as well.

This encourages the patient to engage and to be a part of their care prior to discharge or before they go home from the clinic.  This immediate access of results as well as assistance with registering portal accounts did have some benefits. Compliance with follow up appointment was one benefit. After the changes there was almost a 20 % increase with compliance in minority groups with follow ups as   users feel more empowered to schedule follow-up appointments through the portal, have direct access to their care team, as well as more exposure to their health problems (Ochoa et al.,
