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Graduate Professional Experience

Graduate Professional Experience

Graduate Professional Experience

Week 7

Discuss the following About Skill Improvement

1. How can continuous skill improvement benefit your career growth and professional development? Share examples from your own experiences or research.


2. In your opinion, what are the key skills or competencies that are in high demand in today’s job market? How can individuals actively work on developing those skills?


3. Discuss the role of mentorship in skill improvement. How can mentorship relationships contribute to the development of skills and knowledge? Share any experiences or examples you may have.


4. With the rapid advancement of technology, what are some skills that may become obsolete in the future job market? How can individuals adapt and stay relevant in the face of changing skill requirements?


5. Share an example of a time when you faced a skill gap in your job or a task. How did you address it, and what strategies did you use to bridge the gap and acquire the necessary skills?



Thank you all