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Discussion 5 – Late Adulthood

Discussion 5 – Late Adulthood

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· 200-word original post

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The subjects of retirement and health insurance are much in the news these days. Discuss your plans for retirement with a special emphasis on income after retirement and health insurance. After a lifetime of paying Social Security and Medicare taxes in every payroll check, your grandparents and parents are counting on having Social Security and Medicare to help with the inevitable loss of income occurring at retirement.

Things may be different for your generation. Many are discussing privatizing Social Security and doing away with Medicare. Even Republican voters in the State of Florida are opposed to this plan. A survey of Florida Republican Primary Voters found they objected 2:1 to plans to change these benefits (among Hispanic voters, the opposition was even stronger with 4:1 voters opposing changes). Given what you know of the volatility of the stock markets that are up one day and down drastically another, would you risk your retirement in the stock market? Would you risk your health on having the ability to pay for private health insurance when you retire?

Despite what you’ve heard, Social Security and Medicare can be saved. The generations in the workforce today, especially Millenials and Generation Z, are larger generations than the retiring Baby Boomer generation and their children, Generation X. As long as more are paying into the system than those who are retiring, the programs can and should be saved. You never know how your life will turn out and it is essential to have a basic retirement cushion to live on. Moreover, it is your money after all. You have paid into both Social Security and Medicare with every paycheck since you started working.

What can you do now to help save Social Security and Medicare? Some believe it is essential to send politicians to Washington and Tallahassee who will protect those benefits. But it is not enough to save these benefits. What can you do to guarantee a comfortable retirement and good medical care in your old age?