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Chapter 12 – Sex, Sexuality, & Gender

Chapter 12 – Sex, Sexuality, & Gender


Respond to  any 2 (1 from each chapter) of the following prompts in an original discussion post by midnight,  Day 4 of Week 5.

After you respond to 2 prompts in an original post, you are also required to provide substantive responses to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and to remain active on at least 2 additional days during Week 5.


Chapter 12 – Sex, Sexuality, & Gender

1. How is masculinity explained in the text, and how is it different from the biological sex, “male.” Using specific examples, discuss why patriarchal masculinity is not the only form of masculinity accepted in the present. (CSLO 5, USLO 6.2)

2. How is femininity explained in the text, and how is it different from the biological sex, “female.” Using specific examples, discuss why societies perpetrate issues such as sexism, double standards, and objectification of women. (CSLO 5, USLO 6.2)

3. Pick a celebrity who does not fit the strict binary system of being a man or a woman. Then, use concepts such as gender dysphoria, homophobia, and transphobia to discuss the struggles faced by the celebrity. How did researching the famous figure enhance your own understanding of gender identities? (CSLO 5, USLO 6.5)

4. Use one of the three theoretical perspectives: functionalism, conflict, or symbolic interactionism, to discuss the social construction of gender. Research a culture that has a unique system of gender roles and describe the system with the theoretical perspective you chose to addess the social construction of gender. (CSLO 5, USLO 6.4)


Chapter 15 – Religion

1. How does the text define religion, and what role does religion play in your life? Think of any two social institutions such as education or marriage and family which adhere to the religious principles of the majority. Hypothetically speaking, how would society be structured if those religious principles were removed. (CSLO 4, USLO 7.1)

2. Emile Durkheim believed that religion promotes social cohesion, social control, and offers meaning and purpose to human life. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Provide at least 2 specific instances, from your experience or others’, to support your viewpoint. (CSLO 4, USLO 7.2)

3. German sociologist and political economist Max Weber (1864–1920), in his seminal work,  The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, believed religion to be a precipitator of social change. Critique his approach and argue against his view point to show that changes in religious ideals did not create capitalism. (CSLO 4, USLOs 7.2, 7.5)

4. German philosopher, journalist, and revolutionary socialist Karl Marx (1818–1883) studied the social impact of religion and believed religion reflects the social stratification of society. He argued that religion maintains inequality and perpetuates the status quo. Pick a social situation or an event in the past 5 years, and using an NBC Learn video clip, support or critique Marx’s take on religion. (CSLO 5, USLO 7.5)


Weekly Discussion Guidelines

Original discussion posts:

· Answer both the questions in one single post rather than respond to each question in different posts.

· You should answer all parts of the questions you chose to answer.

· Number your answers corresponding to the prompt numbers listed above and split your answers into separate paragraphs.

· Use of concepts and theories wherever relevant is highly recommended for full grade. It will also help you in your exams and while writing your essay.

· Students must first post their answers before they can view or reply to other students’ posts.


Additional notes:

· You can use pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc.  in your answers, but not  for your answers.

· Always support your opinions with scholastic sources.

· When you use outside material, please use in-text citations and give references at the end of your post in APA format. Otherwise, it is termed as Plagiarism.

· Plagiarism is a critical offense according to Galen policies. Your answers should not be simple ‘copy and paste’ from an outside source. In such instances, even though you give references, they will not be considered  your answers. The first time I spot plagiarism, you will be given a zero with a warning. The 2nd time will be a write-up. Please be careful about plagiarism.